The NEW SJ Boutique!!!
Posted on January 20 2012
I sure hope all of YOU fans are as excited about the New && much Bigger location for Southern Jewlz Boutique as we are!
I know we have told y'all through a video blog that we are moving, but besides that, y'all don't know too much just yet! The new Retail location is going to be in the Woodstone Shopping Center off of Harvey Road, right next to the Tap and Nationwide Insurance. A few other businesses in that shopping center are Mugwalls, Closet Door Boutique, Sun City Tanning Salon, Subway, Froyoyo (Frozen Yogurt), How do You Roll (Sushi Place). We are so excited to be in town and to have some food and drink places next door! (It's the little things that keep us excited)
Anyways, as the name states, the shopping center is all white stone. We will have 8 big window displays and a glass door! This will allow us to showcase off our latest styles and really make the outside of our new place as super fabulous as it was meant to be! The online store warehouse is moving, too and Kenzie will have MUCH MORE ROOM to carry more items and to have more workspace. Online customers - you should be VERY excited! And another excitement for the new place is I will finally have my very own office! It will be located in the Boutique so I will be around to chat with customers and help the sales associates when they are busy, but I can also shut my door and have my time to get all the "business-y type" stuff done that I am in charge of, all while still being near the customers! (Yes, I understand that each of YOU are the reason this business has grown to be what it is today)
Another fabulous addition we will be making with the new boutique is a HUGE sign that will light up at night. Of course it is Pink and has a crown! We are all pretty sure it will be one of the only of its kind in College Station, and we want it to make a statement and bring all kinds of new customers to SJ-Land! Special thanks to Kristi and Shawn of Encore Visions, Kenzie of SJ and the entire staff and crew at Wakefield Signs for making this happen.
Yes, this sign will be almost 20 feet long....whoop! The first day we get the keys to the new place is February 15. First thing on the to-do list is to have the sign installed! Then we will be working away painting, putting up some new dressing rooms, glittering the floors and everything it is gonna take to make this place absolutely fabulous! During our work time at the new location we will keep the Pink Palace operating. We are estimating to be operating in the new store by March 1 and will keep everyone updated with our progress! The Official Re-Grand Opening will be sometime mid-April, so be sure to come help us celebrate taking the next step in our business! As soon as we set the official date and get all the fun events planned, you will know right away!!!
Kenzie has been setting me appointments to meet with a couple contractors next week, so I have been gathering my thoughts and ideas for the new place. I want pearly white walls with pink trim everywhere! I want lots of clothes racks, glass shelves and tons of lights. The new boutique is going to be oh-so GLAM! And of course there has to be a big and fabulous chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Take a look at some photos I have pinned to the "New SJ Boutique Ideas" pinterest board. Be sure to follow it if you aren't already doing so at Be sure to tag us in anything you see that looks like SJ, comment any ideas that you would like to see come to real life, or if you want to be a contributor to this board, just email me at
I'm thinking this just might be THE Chandelier! Oh what a happy day it will be when something this sparkly arrives into our lives!
Our hot pink models Shirley & Laverne sure will stand out in our new store! I found some of their cousins in this pic!
I love love love this shoe display! Ready to have more room for more glitz and glam shoes!
I really like how this place has soooo many clothes on inventory and displayed, however it doesn't look cluttered!
Super cute sitting area ideas! I'll probably stick more to the white, pink, black and glitter theme, but this is sooo cute!
These are going to be our NEW hangers! How great will they pop off of the white walls and chrome/black displays!?
The contractor will HAVE to build one of these for jewelry/earring display!
We will have an exposed brick wall, just like you can see in this picture!
Another great "accessory" display idea!
Ahhhh, I just have so many fabulous ideas and images running through my mind. I think the hardest part (besides budgeting) for this new project is going to be actually deciding what to incorporate and what to leave out. What a fabulous problem to have???
Anyways, I just wanted to share a little bit of what I have been and will be working on to get this next place rocking and rolling. We are so excited and blessed to be taking the next step; however, we will never forget where we came from. The pink house will ALWAYS be a part of us! But, we are beyond ecstatic for what the future holds!!!
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. - Jeremiah 29:11
Hoping you all have the most FABULOUS weekend that ever existed!
Randa xoxo