Reason #544 Why I'm Happy SJ Exists!
Posted on September 02 2011
Well hello SJ Fans and Followers! We have been full force here at the Southern Jewlz headquarters with back to school sales, schedule changes, planning a fashion show, up and coming Aggie Football and so forth!
The main reason for this blog came about last night. I was eating dinner with some friends and had Mrs. Catherine Neumayr send me a text message. Catherine and her husband Luke own Our Little Ranch Photography. They have done some work with us in the past, however our friendship is deeper than that. Luke and I went to A&M together and traveled nationwide in a 15 passenger van on the Livestock Judging Team. Another fun fact to our friendship is the job I had at TAMU (working as Dr. Chris Skaggs' assistant) was a job that Catherine had before I got to school there. Needless to say, Luke and Cat and I are great friends and I absolutely love being around them. They are so much fun, and when they got married they asked me to pass out programs and greet people at their doors!
This whole story started with a tweet from Catherine 7 days ago (remember to follow me @southernjewlz!). She said "The senior we are photographing in Indiana is sporting #southernjewlz in each of her outfits. I knew it - @southernjewlz #fabulous @kuhngirl." Luke is originally from Indiana while Catherine hails from the V8 ranch down in Boling, TX. So, while they went home to visit Luke's family, they of course have some Indiana customers that needed some pictures. And combined with the fact that our Online Store allows us to ship EVERYWHERE, well this is how Miss Jordan was able to be outfitted in SJ!
Yesterday evening I saw Catherine had tagged me in their OLRP album on Facebook telling me to check out the edited pictures of Jordan and all of her SJ! I of course looked at them right away and fell in love! Take a look for yourself. Luke and Catherine are VERY talented and Miss Jordan is absolutely radiant!
Here she is and I recognize the earrings being from US!
Here she is in our "Live, Laugh, Love" Sweater! So adorable :)

She is purely glowing! To check out more of Luke and Cat's work, visit
Anyways, Cat's text last night said "Do you know the story on Jordan Kuhn?" And I responded "No mam, I sure don't". She then said that she figured I should know her story. She said her family are Shorthorn Cattle people and that her mom was one of their biggest fans when they started their photography business. She said she was about 40, an absolutely wonderful lady, and a total SJ type! She then continued and said that last summer she had a brain aneurysm and died instantly and unexpectedly. Catherine continued on and said that her personal motto was "Live, Laugh, Love". Apparently that saying that picknicked onto her facebook profile picture before she passed.
My mood went from what started out as "Oh my gosh, what a wonderful lady, story, supporter, cheerleader and so on" and after Catherine told me everything all I could respond was "Oh my gosh....I have chills". Catherine continued and said that because they loved her mom so much, they gave Jordan her pictures as a gift. She also said she worships SJ and thought of me as a celeb status......hardly the case! She said when Jordan wore the live, laugh, love outfit that she was like this is so over the top, but this outfit was for her mom!
I told her thank you for letting me know of the story so that I could also do something for Jordan. Catherine told me she knew I would like this story and that she really thought the SJ attitude, outlook and products were really helping a girl like Jordan out!
And then I saw that Luke had sent me a message on FB before this text conversation. Here is what he said:
I began thinking just what I would do for Miss Jordan since I feel she is just another example sent down by the Big Man Upstairs letting me know that pursuing SJ and building it to what it is today and what it will be one day is so important! I still don't know just what I am going to do for Jordan, but I thought a blog post and getting her fabulous story out there would be enlightening not only for myself, her, but also some of you followers who might be able to relate. I asked Catherine before I blogged since I didn't know her personally, but she assured me that it would be great because she is really open about it and has a fabulous attitude!
Needless to say, I have had a few instances like this along my SJ Journey and they have a way of getting me choked up and covered with chills every time. Now I would like if each of you would scroll back up and look at the pictures of Jordan again. If you thought she was beautiful the first time, you will think she is now the most gorgeous girl in the entire world. And if you thought her eyes were pretty and glowing in the sunlight during your first glance, well you will now be able to tell she is looking up at her mom! Such an amazing story and I'm so blessed Jordan, Catherine and Luke shared it with me. If only we all knew "the story" behind everyone we met, the world might be a little nicer place.
Luke and Catherine will be coming to College Station next Thursday, September 8 to serve as our photographers for our Fall photo shoot and our fashion show that we are a part of at the Corner Bar on Northgate in conjunction with the Catwalk Hair Studio's "Night of Color" Hair Show. The show starts at 8pm and is totally FREE! Multiple boutiques, lots of fashion, fun hair, crazy makeup, and lots of beautiful ladies! Interested in attending this event? Feel free to give us a call at 979 219 5900 or sign up as a VIP guest (still completely FREE) by calling Catwalk at 979 774 7228 by Monday September 5. As a VIP guest, you will have a seat right next to the run way and will receive a goody bag filled with coupons, promotional items, etc. We are soooo EXCITED for this event!
Until next time loves, remember to stay fabulous. And please feel free to share any kind or inspiring words or scriptures for Joran below this post! It's the least we can do for an amazing girl like her who has been through what she has...Jordan is the TRUE definition of a JEWL!
Randa :)

Hey Randa! I just wanted to let you know a little of the back story about Jordan, the senior we posted who had some of your clothes. Catherine and I have known their family for years, and her mom, Pam, was one of our first fans and supporters. I am sure you have someone who has been with you through it all and had faith in you before you became a supa-star too
Anyway, last year Jordan's mom had a freak brain hemorrhage/aneurism and died instantly. It was a very sad time for everyone who knew them. When we met up with Jordan for her senior session, she was SO excited to have clothes from you, but especially the "Live, Laugh, Love" shirt. That is the saying that they use to remember their mom and keep going. I know Jordan really looks up to you and thinks you are the bomb. I just wanted to let you know why your shirt is soo special to this girl. See you in a few days! Luke