New Boutique is OPEN & Adding to #TeamSJ!
Posted on March 12 2012
Well hello SJ fans and followers! Sorry it's been quite some time since any of us have blogged - but we were fully engulfed with moving and opening a new boutique!!!
It is official that the new Boutique is now OPEN! We opened the doors last Thursday, March 8 at 11am. Many thanks to all of #TeamSJ, all my friends, family and continuous supporters who helped in ANY way to get this place together. Now, there are still additions we want to make before our OFFICIAL RE-GRAND OPENING (which is set for Fri-Sat May 4-5)! Be sure to put these dates on your calendar as we will have lots of sales and fun promotions going on.....stay tuned for more details!
Now at this new store, we not only have over double the amount of space, but we have so much more visibility and parking space, too! And did I mention front window displays??? Basically, this is the next stepping stone in our journey. The new store is featured by an extravagant glittered floor - yes, we poured 25 pounds of glitter on the ground and had a BLAST doing it! (#goinsanethrowsomeglittermakeitrain) The walls are bright white - allowing all of the product to stand out and do the talking! All of the trim and molding is just the perfect shade of pink, and the displays are chrome and glass - ooh la la. The overall look I went for was crisp, classy and organized with enough of a GLAM factor!
Store hours will remain the same of Monday through Saturday 11am-7pm. Of course we adjust our hours in the summer time and for this week we will be closing early tomorrow (Tuesday) at 2pm to head to the Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo to watch our own team member, Chanler, calf scramble at the rodeo and to see Miranda Lambert perform. We will also be closed on Wednesday to take the day to promote SJ at the stock show & rodeo by passing out koozies, talking and catching up with clients, and promoting my most recent business venture with Sullivan's Show Supply called Stock Show Royalty! Be sure to check it out on FB. Normal business hours will resume on Thursday, March 15 at 11am.
Here are some pics of the new location:
Look from the outside!
Front window display - we LOVEEEE the big crown!
Clean, crisp and glam!
Glitter floors :)
Us on Day 1 - Chan was showing her heifer and reppin' Stock Show Royalty at Houston.
Now, with this new location, we have already seen such an increase in traffic and business that it is officially time to add to #TeamSJ! We are looking for the following:
A motivated, stylish, sweet and energetic applicant! Minimum age of 16, willing to give up 3 Saturdays a month and work part time starting at 15-20 hours a week. This may be adjusted due to the amount of increased business we (hopefully) continue to have in the future. To apply, please send a resume with 3 references and a one page essay describing "Why you want to work for SJ and how you plan to be a contribution to the Team" to by March 19 (yes, that is next Monday, however any employee of SJ will have to be on her feet and ready to embrace a busy work environment, so no need to delay the application process).
After we have received the applicants, we will then set up personal interviews. If you have any questions - feel free to give the boutique a call at 979 703 8986. We look forward to meeting and working with the next JEWL! Such an exciting step for all of SJ! Every team member thus far has been hand picked by me and I truly believe God placed each of them into my life to grow this company. Therefore, this is the FIRST time we are ever opening up a position for applicants. If you've ever wanted to work for SJ - here is YOUR chance to make it happen!
Until next time - be sure to be the most FABULOUS you that could EVER exist!
Randa xoxo