Fall Fashion Show and Photo Shoot
Posted on October 20 2011
Well hello SJ Fans and Followers! For those of you who were not in attendance at our Fall Fashion Show, it was at The Corner Bar at Northgate here in College Station, America! on September 8, well we are bringing the show and photo shoot to YOU! That's right, Catwalk Hair Studio in Bryan, TX hosted its annual Night of Color and Fashion Show and WE were one of the Boutique's featured! A lot of work went into this show and I would just like to say THANK YOU to everyone at Catwalk, Team SJ, all of our models, supporters, photographers and friends that helped in anyway! We of course used Luke & Cat Neumayr of Our Little Ranch Photography to take all of these fabulous pics below. There is even some video footage at the end, just please excuse all my cheering as I was just a little proud of everyone! We can't wait until next year's event.
Libby looking so stunning! The scarf makes it pop :)
Miss Kaitlin McDonald sportin' some melon pants and lots of jewlz....HOT!
LUKE did a fab job putting this combo in the parking garage! How spunky!? And it totally matches Devin's sassy look and gypsy headband! Great job to Catwalk for getting the hair just perfect...
Nicole, our brunette bombshell! <3
What would a hair show be without a gorgeous red head!? Thanks Reagan :)
Our very own Chanler letting her fun personality shine through! It might be an alter-ego that comes out with this shirt???
The group lovin' each other :)
The first time I saw this pic, I texted Luke (the photographer) and said "Is she even a REAL person!?" Such a gorgeous pic!
The outfit goes great with her color and hair!
How freakin' adorable is Miss Laci!?
All of you Aggies or former Aggies will notice this is Bottle Cap Alley...
I'm obsessed with this outfit and this setting!
As Luke says, Libby is a "moddd-ullll"
Notice the oh-so fabulous glitter pumps :)
And the stairwell....ah, another brownie point Luke!
This outfit is sooooo Kaitlin!
Love the jewlz action, too.
So glamorous Miss Chanler!
Work it girlllllll!
Beautiful sunset onto Miss Devin!
Another group pic that I love, love, love!!!
I snatched this shopping cart off the side of the road the day before and made it SJ fabulous with some pink spray paint----ta-da :)
Perfect caption for this pic "Shopping with SJ is soooo fabulous!"
These fabulous ladies helped so much this day! Love them so <3
And special thanks to Luke for snapping a shot of me watching the show. Surreal for sure! #blessed
And here is video footage of our evening looks we showed off. The girls loved working it on stage!
Until next time, remember to be the FABULOUS you that you can be!
Randa :)

I had to convince her to WORK it!!!