Small Biz Saturday at SJ!
Posted on November 25 2016

Hey y'all! It's Randa here and we are worn out from Pink Friday! Our Stuff the Bag Online products sold like crazy - so thank you to everyone who did business with us!
Ok now it is time for Small Business Saturday. This is a day sponsored by American Express that encourages everyone to go out and shop local and small to help support the small local businesses in each community. 5 big reasons to shop small and local: 1) small businesses give back more to the local community, 2) small businesses add jobs and make major economic impact to the local community, 3) small businesses typically have better customer service, 4) small businesses create a sense of community with their different brand personalities and character and 5) you will help significantly the bottom line of REAL families, helping them provide for their families.
We are launching a brand new product line - VIP memberships! There are 4 tiers of memberships that allow you to have anywhere from Free Shipping up to 20% off all your orders for either a 6 months or one year depending upon which membership you purchase. And for Small Business Saturday - these membership products will be HALF OFF with coupon code "SJsmallbizsat". Looking for a fun and affordable Christmas gift - this would be PERFECT!
We have also teamed up with the lululemonCS located right behind our boutique. Every customer who shops SJ on Small Biz Saturday will be entered to win a $100 lululemonCS gift card. And the same goes for every customer who shops lululemonCS on Saturday will be entered to win a $100 Southern Jewlz boutique gift card! Both stores will be open from 11am-6pm, so plan to come shop and enter for a chance to WIN!
Here's us trying to video a commercial. We accidentally ended up with more bloopers than valuable content lol.
And if you haven't already been keeping up with my fitness journey, check out my recent fitness blog! I'm definitely sweating for the wedding, have lost 30 pounds, love wearing my lululemon and feel better than I ever have in my life!
So until next time, (which won't be long since it's Holiday time around here) stay fabulous!