Updates from SJ Land! :)
Posted on February 13 2012
Read below for the latest news on our new boutique, our recent fun happenings and even sales and specials we have going on!
First off, all Valentine's Day Sequin <3 HEART <3 shirts are now ONLY $15! Sale price is valid in the Boutique and online, too! Help 'ole cupid out and show some LOVE on Valentine's Day by sporting one of these snazzy little tops.
We recently sponsored the Love Stinks Ball at the Tap. Below you will see team members Randa, Kenzie and Ashleigh wearing sequin heart shirts for the event! With us getting ready to move our location near The Tap, this was a great way to meet new customers and spread some SJ Love!
It's Ally of Candy 95.1!!!
Door prize sign up!!!
Kenzie, Randa && Ashleigh! 3 out of 5 of #TeamSJ
Koozies && Crystal Headbands = #fabulousness
As you all know, we are getting ready to move the SJ Boutique in the Woodstone Shopping Center off of Harvey Road, next to the Tap. We get the keys and start renovations this Wednesday. Estimated opening date is March 1. The Re-Grand Opening will be set at a later date (looking at End of April/Beginning of May), so be sure to plan to come celebrate with us as soon as we release the official date. We got to get a sneak peak to our new sign today! After lots of screaming, jumping up and down and basically just going plum nuts, I gathered myself to take a pic of the production crew behind the project. It is more fabulous than I could have ever imagined. Thanks to EVERYONE who helped from anywhere to designing, setting up appointments, and even just lending an opinion. Check her out.....I even convinced the guys to "pose". We were anything besides their typical client. #naturally
We recently had our Spring 2012 photo shoot with Luke and Cat Photography. The team at Catwalk Hair Studio did the hair and makeup. Libby, Kaitlin and Maci were our beautiful models! We had a fabulous time and the pictures are straight up out of this world! Look for these styles to be hitting the shelf, both online and in the boutique, throughout the season. Be sure to check Luke and Cat out on Facebook, their blog at www.lukeandcatsblog.com and their website at www.lukeandcat.com. To view all of our pics, visit this link: http://lukeandcat.passgallery.com/event/CQ0xm105336.
Here is one of my personal favorites:
Our online store manager, Miss Kenzie, recently blogged about our mindset and the behind the scenes of our shipping costs. Be sure to read it and give us feedback. It is our utmost goal to keep an open relationship with our customer. We are here to serve U!
And the last thing to remember is all scarves are now ONLY $10 in the boutique and online. Grab one before they are gone. We only have a few select styles still in stock.
Until our next catch up, remember to stay fabulous!
Randa xoxo