Posted on November 24 2012
I really don't even know how to appropriately begin this Blog post. 1) Because my mind is running a million directions right now and 2) Because writing isn't one of my strong points; I'm more of a speaker, do'-er, busy bee, or energizer bunny if you will. I hardly sit down long enough to really write about the events within SJ or my life. But today is different, very different.
Those who know me personally, I am not really a "mushy" kind of a person. It's not like me to sit and do a reflection blog. By no means does that mean I'm unthankful or ungrateful - because that I truly am. And it calls for a blog post.
We have been so so very busy lately. Our Black Friday SALE was a huge hit and Small Business Saturday has been just as successful. There were soooo many people in the store earlier today (slowing down a bit the closer we get to the Aggie game) and I'm actually getting to sit down in my office and get caught up on a few things. I logged onto our new Pinterest Board - be sure to follow it by the way (SJ Pinterest Board), because I like to keep it active and add a few of our newest products to it and I realize this has already been done. Actually there is pinning going on that board as I'm typing this. And it's from the youngest member of our #TeamSJ - Miss Chanler Havel. And let me just add, she is not scheduled to work today. This is her day off. And yes, she is pinning on the SJ pinterest board. She is not only helping to brand our company and tell our story through these "pins", but she is also inspiring our followers. Did I mention that Chanler is still in high school?
Then I realize this type of behavior is a normal occurrence with all the team members. But this week especially - perfect timing!
While I had dinner with Ashleigh (our shipping manager) last night, well she was checking emails and responding to online order questions. And I think beyond that to the fact that I walked up to the online store yesterday morning with a complete instruction list for the girls working that day, explaining how to handle the increased amount of orders. At the bottom of the list read her favorite Scripture verse. Phil 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". Talk about my heart sank and I had shivers up and down my body.
Amberly just returned from Lubbock. Together, her and my friend Dunklin took on the task of managing the entire SJ booth and all that entails for the Holiday Happening Show. I told her a few months ago there would be no way I could leave for the entire week to make it happen, so I had decided for us to not go at all. She immediately offered to make it all happen. And they did! Drove 8 hours, set up a 10x30 booth, sold for 5 days and drove straight back. All WITHOUT me! I didn't even get calls or texts until the end of every day. And it would be a picture text of them two with the calculator showing me their successes! I LIVE for pic messages and go-getter employees, so they combined the two together!
Lauren - who most of you are used to seeing in the boutique most afternoon shifts - has had a fairly rough last week or two because of health issues in her family and also her boyfriend (who lives in Tennessee). Not only was I concerned about her, but the other employees were as well. We sent her flowers just for being an angel and she was so, so very gracious. She had to drive to Tennessee by herself and was scheduled to work until closing on Tuesday evening. And I literally could NOT get her out of here. She stayed until closing time to finish her shift and then drove half way. I was a nervous mess with her being on the roads alone at such a busy time. Talk about dedication!
And our newest member, Miss Chandler (yes we have a Chan squared now) went above and beyond and stepped up during our busy shipping time. I texted her on Wednesday asking if she would be willing to work extra if we needed it this weekend. She graciously accepted and put in extra hours yesterday AND today to help keep us caught up! I also brought in my little Emily Hirt to help in the online store, and those two together were rocking and rolling! Emily is a senior in high school and once we got caught up she asked me if she could stay to work on essays for scholarships. Like literally, all these girls are just inspiring me to work harder to lead this dream company we call Southern Jewlz! Even the mailman showed up today to grab packages for us because he said he knew we would be busy - and it's Saturday!
As a people manager, I believe the important keys to success are to inspire, lead by example, demand greatness and reward every chance you can. As long as everybody is working for the same common cause, how can you go wrong?
Anyways, there was one specific "pin" Chanler had put on our board this morning that really encouraged me to write this post. See it below:
With the Holidays approaching (PS Don't forget about our 12 Days of CHRISTmas) - I am so full of emotions. I am anxious, nervous, humbled, overwhelmed, but most of all I am THANKFUL! I could have never ever ever ever imagined my lifestyle would be what it is. I literally catch myself randomly dancing around in the boutique at times, I'm just so happy when I am here. And this is my JOB! Like I love Mondays just as much as I do Fridays! I love everyone and everything that is tied to this company.
With this being our first Holiday Season in the new store, I have no idea what to expect (besides absolutely craziness). No idea what to order, how much to order, previous records to go off of from this location, etc. But in the midst of all of my emotions, I am also very much at peace knowing that it will all come together even more fabulous than I could have ever planned. I'm working for a power much bigger than myself and so is my team! I'm so very THANKFUL I followed the tiny intuition that lied within me to build this company rather than going to work elsewhere. I'm living my dream. And that is a FABULOUS way to spend a life! So if you have ever purchased from SJ, promoted us to somebody else, or simply "liked" one of our photos - THANK YOU!
Until the next time I get emotional, let me leave you with a few things to ponder on.
1. Remember to LET things happen.
2. Smile frequently and compliment others often. Very often.
3. Have an overwhelming episode of appreciation.
4. Think and act spontaneously rather than from fear or past experience.
5. Give without expecting to receive.
And the last one, I'll share with a photo that I featured on my instagram this week (follow me):
xoxo times infinity!