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Remember Why You Started & Follow Thru Strong!

Randa Yezak

Posted on February 15 2016

Remember Why You Started & Follow Thru Strong!

Like many nights, here I lay with my brain in on-mode. Hard to turn it off, even to sleep.

There are so many new fabulous changes happening in the Southern Jewlz company! We launched a NEW website this year already and I have interviews over the next 10 days to pick new lifestyle brand models for the  company.

All of the NEW has me so jittery and it takes me back to beginning of WHY I ever started this journey. With a padded resume and college degree in hand, most people responded with something like "come again?" Or "you're doing what?" whenever I told them my plan for Southern Jewlz some years ago.

But, do you know what I find equally as important to not only remembering WHY I started this journey??? And that's execution and follow through!

Why Southern Jewlz? To use my talents to better the world. I love serving others, styling others, growing others, making others feel confidentently beautiful. And even though remembering the WHY is so important to keep motivating me to push forward in my journey, setting attainable goals and reaching them is equally as important. Because ANYONE can have an idea, or moreover try to tear someone else's idea down....but only the BRAVE will follow through on their word and their own ideas. 

So stay tuned for new brands (like the Fabulous Alex & Ani we are now carrying), new opportunities and even a new look for Southern Jewlz this year.  Because if any of you know me, I'm a woman of my word. I know the WHY and I'm all about the FOLLOW THROUGH.

Goodnight pretties,

Randa ??

PS, my favorite wedding dress designer Hayley Paige started following Southern Jewlz on Instagram last night and I'm so stoked about it!

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